Blogging Dad, Dad Life, Fatherhood, Fathers and Sons, leadership, manhood, manliness, masculinity, Men's Ministry

Mighty Men of Valor

It’s 7:30 on a Monday morning. You’re scrambling around trying to get your lunch box, your name badge, and some will power so you can go to work. You had a busy weekend and this week feels like it is blending into the last. There is no amount of coffee that will pull you out… Continue reading Mighty Men of Valor

Band of Brothers, Blogging Dad, Business Strategy, Corporate America, Culture, D.C., Dad Life, family, Fatherhood, Fathers and Sons, God, Jesus Christ, leadership, life, manhood, Marriage, masculinity, spirituality

Sacrificing Virtue for Success

Johnny As a teenager, we cruised! We got in our cars and trucks and drove around our little sleepy town every Friday and Saturday night. Surrounded by fields of corn and soybeans, there wasn’t much to do, so we crept through the strip playing our music loud while chasing our teenage dreams. I had a… Continue reading Sacrificing Virtue for Success

Band of Brothers, Blogging Dad, Children, Christianity, Dad Life, faith, family, Fatherhood, Fathers and Sons, leadership, manhood, masculinity, Men's Ministry, Mentoring, Sons

Fully Known, Part 4

Boyhood Wandering My family has a long line of men who have served in the military. It wasn't expected of us; it just happened that way. My childhood in Illinois was spent wandering the urban jungle while holding my M-16 (stick) and camouflaging myself from neighbors and pesky enemies (oncoming cars) with a keen set of… Continue reading Fully Known, Part 4